Looking for
Affordable yet
Highly Professional
Dental Treatments?
Watch the video to discover why Verdant Isle Dental Clinic is the solution to your dental problems.
Verdant Isle Dental Clinic will provide you with the best solutions for your dental needs
Pain free and easy dental implants
At Verdant Isle, you will discover an oasis where the word “dentist” doesn’t fill you with fear but makes you smile, because you know the dentist cares about you as a friend.
Enjoy your stay
Visit Cluj-Napoca, one of the most beautiful cities in Eastern Europe, and Transylvania.
Affordable prices
Pay only a fraction of the cost you would pay in the UK.
We value our time together
The procedure takes only two weeks from the time you get the implant until the crown is cemented.
Simple and easy
Our doctors and medical staff are professional, friendly and speak fluent English.
Our Dental Implants - include Immediately Loadable Implants
Following a rigorous period of training and individual coaching with a team of German implantologists, from 2005, Dr. Zerbes began coaching other doctors in implantology and from 2007, he became the National Course Advisor for a number of innovative oral implantology systems, including the patient-friendly KOS implant system, and has since trained more than 500 dentists from Romania and abroad.
Such immediately loaded implants present numerous advantages for the patient:
Least invasive system of dental implants requiring no bone exposure
No stitches required as the gums are not cut
Introduced under local anesthetic
No healing time required before integration of crowns
Crowns integrated in only 3-14 days versus regular implants on which crowns are integrated after 6 months
Risk of rejection reduced significantly
Can be linked to patients own teeth or other implants in bridge formation (regular implants cannot)
About Verdant Isle Dental Clinic
Located in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Verdant Isle is a top dental clinic in Eastern Europe.
Our Medical Director, Dr. Ivo Christian Zerbes from Germany and his wife, Mrs. Bita Zerbes from Canada, Verdant Isle’s Managing Partner, together with their entire staff are dedicated to ensuring that their patients receive the best possible personalized dental care at fair prices.
Let’s talk and find out how we can help you as well.
Dr. Ivo Christian Zerbes
With over 10 years of rigorous dental training, and more than 20 years of professional experience in the field, Dr. Zerbes has been coaching dentists in innovative oral implantology systems since 2005. From 2007, when he became the National Course Advisor, more than 500 dentists from Romania and abroad have chosen to learn these techniques under his guidance. In June 2016, Dr. Zerbes held an international course in oral implantology organized by the Sociedad de Implantologia Basala Iberamericana in Spain.
Bita Zerbes – Managing Partner
In every team there’s a person towards whom everyone turns when an obstacle, challenge or test is encountered. At Verdant Isle, this person is Bita Zerbes. Herself a Canadian, Bita’s natural leadership skills are enhanced by an energetic experience of over 20 years in management and human resource development in the NGO sector in both Europe and Canada.
We welcome you to tell us a few things about yourself and we can get started from there. Just fill in the form here,
call us at +40 722 323 227 or
contact Verdant Isle’s Managing Partner, Mrs. Bita Zerbes directly at
bitazerbes@verdantisle.com for any assistance you may need.
We’re looking forward to talking with you!
What our patients say

– Professor Paul Sum // University of North Dakota

– F. Avvali // NATO Consultant, Germany

– Jennifer B.// Children’s Author, Australia
– K. Engstrom // USA
Or contact us at:
We know that dental implants can cost you a small fortune in the UK.
If you are looking for an affordable yet highly professional alternative for your dental problems, Verdant Isle Clinic is the perfect place for you.
At a fraction of the cost you would pay in the UK, travel and accommodation costs included, our clinic will provide you with the best solutions for your dental needs!
Contact Verdant Isle’s Managing Partner, Mrs. Bita Zerbes directly at bitazerbes@verdantisle.com for any assistance you may need.
About Cluj-Napoca
Cluj-Napoca, the heart of Transylvania, is the second largest city in Romania, well known for its fabulous culture, great spirit and lovely people. Find out more about its history and tourist attractions at Visit Cluj-Napoca and see some wonderful pictures on the I Love Cluj Facebook Page.
So, when you come to us for dental implants, between getting your implant and being fitted with the crown, you will have some time to visit our lovely city and its beautiful surroundings. If you need any assistance regarding travel arrangements, accommodation or sight seeing, we are more then happy to assist you and recommend the best solutions.
© Copyright Verdant Isle Dental Clinic Call us: +40 722 323 227 E-mail us: bitazerbes@verdantisle.com